Jun 24 – 28, 2024
Asia/Irkutsk timezone

Keynote speakers





Alberto Bressan

Pennsylvania State University (USA)


"Optimal control of traveling profiles and moving sets"



Vladimir Bogachev

Moscow State University (Russia)


"Nonlinear Kantorovich problems of the optimal transportation"



Yuri Ledyaev

Western Michigan University (USA)


"Convexity of images of (non-)convex sets under nonlinear mappings"

"Harmonic analysis and optimal control"



Dmitrii Khlopin 

IMM UB RAS (Russia)


"On limiting optimization problems"



Giovanni Colombo

University of Padova (Italy)


"Recent advances on the optimal control of Moreau's sweeping process"




Linh Vu Hoang

Vietnam National University (Vietnam) 

"Spectral theory and asymptotic behavior of solutions for differential-algebraic equations"





Zhenhai Liu

Guangxi Minzu University (China) 

"Recent advances on partial differential

variational inequalities"

"A differential system consisting of an evolution equation and a doubly nonlinear inclusion"

"Periodic subdifferential evolution inclusions in reflexive Banach spaces"