Conference Proceedings and Special Issues
Special Issues
After the conference, it is planned to organize special issues of two-three high-level journals to publish substantially extended versions of selected papers. The list of these journals is announced below.

Optimization Methods and Software is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. The journal’s impact factor is 1.431, it belongs to Q2 JCR Science Edition. The quality and topics of the submissions should correspond to the high standards of publications in OMS and its Aims and Scope. Submissions should follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here. Please, see the website of the journal for more information. Manuscript submission must be made online via the journal's ScholarOne.
Manuscripts site To specify the special issue, please choose "MOTOR21".
Guest Editors: Vladimir Mazalov, Alexander Strekalovsky.
The deadline for submission is December 15, 2021 January 15, 2022.

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence is an international journal publishing well-written original research articles in the area of Artificial Intelligence. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of Artificial Intelligence and its application in the following topics: Technology & Computing; Fuzzy Logic; Neural Networks; Reasoning and Evolution; Automatic Control; Mechatronics; Robotics; Parallel Processing; Programming Languages; Software & Hardware Architectures; CAD Design & Testing; Web Intelligence Applications; Computer Vision and Speech Understanding; Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics, Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools, Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools, Computational Theories of Learning; Signal, Image & Speech Processing; Intelligent System Architectures; Knowledge Representation; Bioinformatics; Natural Language Processing; Mathematics & Physics. The journal belongs to Q1 Scopus SJR. Please, see the website of the journal for more information.
Submissions should follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here. The prepared papers should be sent by e-mail:
Guest Editors: Tatiana Gruzdeva, Yury Kochetov, and Denis Sidorov.
The deadline for submission is December 22, 2021 January 22, 2022.

The Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research is an international journal dealing with all aspects of operations research, systems science, and management science. YUJOR publishes refereed papers describing significant results in the above areas, whether theoretical or empirical, mathematical or descriptive. The journal belongs to Q4 Scopus SJR. The YUJOR's editorial policy and other information you can find on the website of the journal.
Submissions should not exceed 23 pages and should follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here. The address to upload articles is In case the authors do not get the back information, they can write to address, the one we are going to communicate through. The preliminary date of publishing the issue is 2023.
Guest Editors: Anton Eremeev, Anna Lempert.
The deadline for submission is November 1, 2021 December 22, 2021.
Also, the participants are invited to make submissions to The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics. It is a peer-reviewed journal that accepts high-quality research articles in the field of integro-differential equations and functional analysis, optimization and control theory, algebraic and logical methods in computer science, and artificial intelligence. The journal is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, zbMATH, MathSciNet, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Russian Science Citation Index (Web of Science). In 2020, the journal was ranked Q3 in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) within Mathematics category.
The manuscripts can be presented in Russian or in English.
The papers should follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here in Russian ( and in English (, except for the first item. The prepared papers and documents should be sent by e-mail: Please specify “MOTOR 2021. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University” in the subject line of your e-mail.
Guest Editor: Prof. Alexander Kazakov.
Papers submission deadline: September 19, 2021. October 3, 2021.
Conference proceedings
Conference proceedings is published by Springer Nature as volumes of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. The LNCS volume will be published before the conference. The CCIS volume will be published after the conference.
Abstract of the paper is sending by the Easychair Conference Management System Title of the presentation, key words, text of the abstract, and appropriate topics are included in the corresponding fields in the Easychair System.
Papers should be prepared in the Springer LNCS Format according to the LaTeX templates, can have 12‑15 pages. Please, follow the official Springer authors guidelines
All papers should be submitted through the Easychair Conference Management System too.
Authors can send abstract without paper for oral presentation.
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The conference proceedings are intended to be published by Springer Nature in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Accepted papers
2 | Ilya Chernykh | Two-machine routing open shop: how long is the optimal makespan? | |
7 | Alla Albu and Vladimir Zubov | Identification of the thermal conductivity coefficient of a substance from a temperature field in a three-dimensional domain |
9 | Alexander Vasin and Olesya Grigoryeva | Optimization of regulation and infrastructure of the electricity market | |
14 | Sergei Sidorov and Kirill Spiridonov | Duality Gap Estimates for a Class of Greedy Optimization Algorithms in Banach Spaces | |
27 | Dmitry Pasechnyuk and Vladislav Matyukhin | On the Computational Efficiency of Catalyst Accelerated Coordinate Descent | |
32 | Igor Izmestev and Viktor Ukhobotov | A discrete game problem with a non-convex terminal set and a possible breakdown in dynamics | |
34 | Sergey Ivanov | Sample Approximations of Bilevel Stochastic Programming Problems with Probabilistic and Quantile Criteria | |
39 | Andrei Orlov | On Solving Bilevel Optimization Problems with a Nonconvex Lower Level: the Case of a Bimatrix Game | |
44 | Valeriy Marakulin | On contractual approach for non-convex production economies | |
49 | Vladislav Matyukhin, Sergey Kabanikhin, Maxim Shishlenin, Nikita Novikov, Artem Vasin and Alexander Gasnikov | Convex optimization with inexact gradients in Hilbert space and applications to elliptic inverse problems | |
57 | Aleksandr Beznosikov, Vasilii Novitskii and Alexander Gasnikov | One-Point Gradient-Free Methods for Smooth and Non-Smooth Saddle-Point Problems | |
58 | Vanya Barseghyan and Svetlana Solodusha | Optimal boundary control of string vibrations with given shape of deflection at a certain moment of time | |
65 | Anna N. Rettieva | Dynamic multicriteria games with random horizon | |
73 | Petro Stetsyuk, Andreas Fischer and Oksana Pichugina | A new approach to linear programs with many two-sided constraints | |
78 | Tatiana Gruzdeva and Anton Ushakov | K-means clustering via a non-convex optimization approach | |
82 | Alexander Semenov, Ilya Otpuschennikov and Kirill Antonov | On one variant of (1+1)-Evolutionary Algorithm using merging variables | |
86 | Dmitry Trunin | Nonlocal optimization methods for quadratic control systems with terminal constraints | |
87 | Vladimir Berikov and Alexander Litvinenko | Weakly supervised learning using manifold regularization and low-rank matrix representation | |
94 | Dmitry Gribanov | An FPTAS for the Δ-modular multidimensional knapsack problem | |
98 | Yulia Kovalenko and Alexander Kononov | Mimimizing Total Completion Time in Multiprocessor Job Systems with Energy Constraint | |
99 | Alexey Ratushnyi and Yury Kochetov | A column generation based heuristic for a temporal bin packing problem | |
100 | Jiangjing Zhou, Vladimir Mazalov and Elena Parilina | Altruistic-like equilibrium in a differential game of renewable resource extraction | |
107 | Alexander Strekalovskiy | A Local Search Scheme for the inequality-constrained Optimal Control Problem | |
109 | Vladimir Krutikov, Vladimir Meshechkin, Elena Kagan and Lev Kazakovtsev | Machine Learning Algorithms of Relaxation Subgradient Method with Space Extension | |
121 | Edward Gimadi, Aleksandr Shevyakov and Alexandr Shtepa | On asymptotically optimal approach for the problem of finding several edge-disjoint spanning trees with given diameter on a random edge-weighted undirected graph |
130 | Alexander Krylatov | Equilibrium traffic flow assignment in a multi-subnet urban road network | |
140 | Daniil Tiapkin, Fedor Stonyakin and Alexander Gasnikov | Parallel Stochastic Mirror Descent for MDPs | |
145 | Maxim Staritsyn, Nikolay Pogodaev and Elena Goncharova | Feedback Maximum Principle for a Class of Linear Continuity Equations Inspired by Optimal Impulsive Control | |
147 | Igor Bykadorov | Dixit–Stiglitz–Krugman Model with Investments in R&D | |
171 | Victor Gergel, Evgeny Kozinov, Konstantin Barkalov and Vladimir Grishagin | An Approach for Simultaneous Finding of Multiple Effective Solutions in Multi-objective Optimization Problems | |
174 | Pavel Borisovsky, Yulia Kovalenko, Anton Eremeev and Lidia Zaozerskaya | Rig Routing with Possible Returns and Stochastic Drilling Times | |
177 | Ananya Christman, Barbara Anthony, Christine Chung and David Yuen | Serving rides of equal importance for budgeted Dial-a-Ride | |
178 | Yakov Zinder, Joanna Berlińska and Charlie Peter | Maximising the total weight of on-time jobs on parallel machines subject to a conflict graph |
Corresponding authors of the listed papers are invited to upload camera-ready versions of their papers through Easychair until April 11, 2021
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Preliminary accepted papers
3 | Artem Pyatkin | On complexity of quadratic 2-clustering 1-Mean and 1-Medoid problem with arbitrary clusters sizes | |
4 | Leon Petrosyan and Yaroslavna B. Pankratova | Dynamic Cooperative Games on Networks | |
16 | Yury Nikulin and Vladimir Emelichev | Strong stability in finite games with perturbed payoffs | |
20 | Andrei Nikolaev and Andrey Kostenko | An iterative ILP approach for constructing a Hamiltonian decomposition of a regular multigraph | |
31 | Igor Konnov and Olga Pinyagina | A subgradient projection method for set-valued network equilibrium problems | |
33 | Tatiana Makarovskikh and Mostafa Abotaleb | The Research of Mathematical Models for Forecasting Covid-19 Cases | |
35 | Leo Liberti | Continuous reformulation of binary variables, revisited | |
43 | Maurizio Boccia, Andrea Mancuso, Adriano Masone and Claudio Sterle | A feature based solution approach for the flying sidekick traveling salesman problem | |
50 | Vladimir Erokhin, Alexander Krasnikov, Vladimir Volkov and Mikhail Khvostov | Optimal (in the sense of the minimum of the polyhedral norm) matrix correction of inconsistent systems of linear algebraic equations and improper linear programming problems in interval constraints | |
52 | Danis Ibragimov and Nikita Novozhilkin | On the speed-in-action problem for the class of linear non-stationary infinite-dimensional discrete-time systems with bounded control and degenerate operator | |
54 | Servakh Vladimir and Chernykh Kseniya | Analysis of optimal solutions to the problem of a single machine with preemption | |
60 | Evgeniia Markova and Inna Sidler | On one optimization problem for the age structure of power plants equipment | |
64 | Roman Torishnyi and Vitaliy Sobol | Application of smooth approximation in stochastic optimization problems with a polyhedral loss function and probability criterion | |
66 | Abdurakhmon Sadiev, Aleksandr Beznosikov, Pavel Dvurechensky and Alexander Gasnikov | Zeroth-Order Algorithms for Smooth Stochastic Saddle-Point Problems | |
76 | Ruslan Simanchev and Inna Urazova | The polytope of schedules of processing of identical requirements: the properties of the relaxation polyhedron | |
77 | Sergey Lavlinskii, Artem Panin and Alexander Plyasunov | Bilevel models of socially-oriented strategic planning in the natural resource sector | |
104 | Julia Chirkova | Maximizing the Minimum Processor Load with Linear Externalities | |
110 | Vladimir Krutikov, Anatoly Bykov, Elena Tovbis and Lev Kazakovtsev | Method for Calculating Air Pollution Emission Quotas | |
113 | Tatiana Zvonareva, Olga Krivorotko and Nikolay Zyatkov | Numerical solution of the inverse problem for diffusion-logistic model arising in online social networks | |
117 | Ekaterina Trimbach and Alexander Rogozin | An acceleration of decentralized SGD under general assumptions with low stochastic noise | |
123 | Igor Vasilyev, Anton Ushakov, Maria Barkova, Dong Zhang, Jie Ren and Juan Chen | Fast Heuristic Algorithms for the Multiple Strip Packing Problem | |
127 | Alexander Titov, Stonyakin Fedor, Alexander Gasnikov and Mohammad Alkousa | Algorithms for solving variational inequalities and saddle-point problems with some generalizations of Lipschitz property for operators | |
131 | Alexander Shananin, Maksim Tarasenko and Nikolai Trusov | Consumer Loan Demand Modeling | |
132 | Egor Gladin, Abdurakhmon Sadiev, Alexander Gasnikov, Pavel Dvurechensky, Aleksandr Beznosikov and Mohammad Alkousa | Solving smooth min-min and min-max problems by mixed oracle algorithms | |
138 | Aleksandr Maslovskiy, Dmitriy Pasechnyuk and Aleksandr Gasnikov | Non-convex optimization in digital pre-distortortion of signal | |
139 | Milan Tomić and Dragan Urošević | A heuristic approach in solving the optimal seating chart problem | |
151 | Alexander Buldaev | On One Approach to the Optimization of Discrete-continuous Controlled Systems | |
152 | Aigul Fabarisova and Vadim Kartak | Solving Irregular Polyomino Tiling Problem Using Simulated Annealing and Integer Programming | |
158 | Ovanes Petrosian, Ildus Kuchkarov and Timur Lepihin | Inverse Optimal Control with Continuous Updating for Steering Behavior Model with Reference Trajectory | |
166 | Anna Zholobova, Ivan Polyakov, Yefim Zholobov and Ovanes Petrosian | Industry Maintenance Planning Optimization Problem using CMA-VNS and its variations | |
168 | Lev Kazakovtsev, Ivan Rozhnov, Ilnar Nasyrov and Viktor Orlov | Self-adjusting genetic algorithm with greedy agglomerative crossover for continuous p-median problems | |
175 | Oksana Pichugina and Liudmyla Koliechkina | The Constrained Knapsack Problem: Bounds And The Polyhedral-Ellipsoid Method | |
180 | Samad Noeiaghdam and Denis Sidorov | Valid Implementation of the Fractional Order Model of Energy Supply-Demand System | |
181 | Natalya Goryunova, Egor Ianovski and Artem Baklanov | Detecting corruption in single-bidder auctions via positive-unlabelled learning |
Corresponding authors of the listed papers are invited to upload camera-ready versions of their papers through Easychair until May 10, 2021
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Each submission will be checked by Springer iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar content against the Internet and databases of periodicals.